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The Shelia Turns 50 (ST50)Movement seeks to illuminate the Maturing Woman: Show the woman, herself, and the world that she is still valuable, magical, and needed, and what happens?


Her life changes and all the spaces in which she is supposed to add value will change as well. Some don’t know the feeling of constantly being dismissed, undervalued, underestimated, and made invisible. The maturing woman, especially the maturing African American woman knows this all too well. Zora said the black woman was the mule of the earth.


Shelia Turns 50 will change that narrative by giving this demographic a spotlight and a glow up. The first ST50 project is Live Rich Die Poor, using your friend Ann as the litmus test. She is a maturing actress, who still seeks to make her mark on the world. Many of us witnessed such a glow up recently with Sheryl Lee Ralph.  Shelia Turns 50 will give the maturing woman the spotlight she deserves.


By contributing to Live Rich Die Poor, the movements first project, you will help bring visibility to the project, it’s mission and assist Ann in working on the movement full-time because it is bigger than her.


Thank you for changing the landscape for this sometimes-overlooked group of dynamic women!! 

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